Drew Ribar for Nevada Assembly 40
I am a proud American and a proud Nevadan. I believe that we are privileged to be living in the greatest country in the world and that this battle born state of Nevada is the best state to live in and I want to work to make District 40 the best district to live in.
I am constitutionalist and a fiscal conservative. I know that we need to stand up for our liberties . My mission is to work to seal our borders, make government smaller, lower taxes, remove unnecessary regulations, bring accountability and transparency to government, and combat the homeless problem that is plaguing all of our communities.
With a focus on putting the people first, let's bring affordable homes back to Nevada. Have you ever wondered why the cost of a single-family home has skyrocketed from $13,000 in 1974 to $1,000,000 today? We believe it's time for a change, and we're here to make it happen.
Reducing regulations, I believe, is the key to a lot of the problems and skyrocketing costs. Currently a new home has $100,000.00 of "soft costs" caused by government regulations. Get rid of the regulations on homes and then housing costs are on the way to becoming affordable again.
I believe in LEGAL immigration and am honored to call many legal immigrants friends. I believe that as an American it is our responsibility to vote for candidates that will fight for our liberties and freedoms. I am that candidate for District 4o.